CleanRoomsService / Paginator / ListMemberships


class CleanRoomsService.Paginator.ListMemberships#
paginator = client.get_paginator('list_memberships')

Creates an iterator that will paginate through responses from CleanRoomsService.Client.list_memberships().

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response_iterator = paginator.paginate(
        'MaxItems': 123,
        'PageSize': 123,
        'StartingToken': 'string'
  • status (string) – A filter which will return only memberships in the specified status.

  • PaginationConfig (dict) –

    A dictionary that provides parameters to control pagination.

    • MaxItems (integer) –

      The total number of items to return. If the total number of items available is more than the value specified in max-items then a NextToken will be provided in the output that you can use to resume pagination.

    • PageSize (integer) –

      The size of each page.

    • StartingToken (string) –

      A token to specify where to start paginating. This is the NextToken from a previous response.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'membershipSummaries': [
            'id': 'string',
            'arn': 'string',
            'collaborationArn': 'string',
            'collaborationId': 'string',
            'collaborationCreatorAccountId': 'string',
            'collaborationCreatorDisplayName': 'string',
            'collaborationName': 'string',
            'createTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'updateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'memberAbilities': [
            'mlMemberAbilities': {
                'customMLMemberAbilities': [
            'paymentConfiguration': {
                'queryCompute': {
                    'isResponsible': True|False
                'machineLearning': {
                    'modelTraining': {
                        'isResponsible': True|False
                    'modelInference': {
                        'isResponsible': True|False
                'jobCompute': {
                    'isResponsible': True|False
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • membershipSummaries (list) –

      The list of memberships returned from the ListMemberships operation.

      • (dict) –

        The membership object listed by the request.

        • id (string) –

          The unique ID for the membership’s collaboration.

        • arn (string) –

          The unique ARN for the membership.

        • collaborationArn (string) –

          The unique ARN for the membership’s associated collaboration.

        • collaborationId (string) –

          The unique ID for the membership’s collaboration.

        • collaborationCreatorAccountId (string) –

          The identifier of the Amazon Web Services principal that created the collaboration. Currently only supports Amazon Web Services account ID.

        • collaborationCreatorDisplayName (string) –

          The display name of the collaboration creator.

        • collaborationName (string) –

          The name for the membership’s collaboration.

        • createTime (datetime) –

          The time when the membership was created.

        • updateTime (datetime) –

          The time the membership metadata was last updated.

        • status (string) –

          The status of the membership.

        • memberAbilities (list) –

          The abilities granted to the collaboration member.

          • (string) –

        • mlMemberAbilities (dict) –

          Provides a summary of the ML abilities for the collaboration member.

          • customMLMemberAbilities (list) –

            The custom ML member abilities for a collaboration member.

            • (string) –

        • paymentConfiguration (dict) –

          The payment responsibilities accepted by the collaboration member.

          • queryCompute (dict) –

            The payment responsibilities accepted by the collaboration member for query compute costs.

            • isResponsible (boolean) –

              Indicates whether the collaboration member has accepted to pay for query compute costs ( TRUE) or has not accepted to pay for query compute costs ( FALSE).

              If the collaboration creator has not specified anyone to pay for query compute costs, then the member who can query is the default payer.

              An error message is returned for the following reasons:

              • If you set the value to FALSE but you are responsible to pay for query compute costs.

              • If you set the value to TRUE but you are not responsible to pay for query compute costs.

          • machineLearning (dict) –

            The payment responsibilities accepted by the collaboration member for machine learning costs.

            • modelTraining (dict) –

              The payment responsibilities accepted by the member for model training.

              • isResponsible (boolean) –

                Indicates whether the collaboration member has accepted to pay for model training costs ( TRUE) or has not accepted to pay for model training costs ( FALSE).

                If the collaboration creator has not specified anyone to pay for model training costs, then the member who can query is the default payer.

                An error message is returned for the following reasons:

                • If you set the value to FALSE but you are responsible to pay for model training costs.

                • If you set the value to TRUE but you are not responsible to pay for model training costs.

            • modelInference (dict) –

              The payment responsibilities accepted by the member for model inference.

              • isResponsible (boolean) –

                Indicates whether the collaboration member has accepted to pay for model inference costs ( TRUE) or has not accepted to pay for model inference costs ( FALSE).

                If the collaboration creator has not specified anyone to pay for model inference costs, then the member who can query is the default payer.

                An error message is returned for the following reasons:

                • If you set the value to FALSE but you are responsible to pay for model inference costs.

                • If you set the value to TRUE but you are not responsible to pay for model inference costs.

          • jobCompute (dict) –

            The payment responsibilities accepted by the collaboration member for job compute costs.

            • isResponsible (boolean) –

              Indicates whether the collaboration member has accepted to pay for job compute costs ( TRUE) or has not accepted to pay for query and job compute costs ( FALSE).

              There is only one member who pays for queries and jobs.

              An error message is returned for the following reasons:

              • If you set the value to FALSE but you are responsible to pay for query and job compute costs.

              • If you set the value to TRUE but you are not responsible to pay for query and job compute costs.

    • NextToken (string) –

      A token to resume pagination.