- class DeadlineCloud.Client#
A low-level client representing AWSDeadlineCloud
The Amazon Web Services Deadline Cloud API provides infrastructure and centralized management for your projects. Use the Deadline Cloud API to onboard users, assign projects, and attach permissions specific to their job function.
With Deadline Cloud, content production teams can deploy resources for their workforce securely in the cloud, reducing the costs of added physical infrastructure. Keep your content production operations secure, while allowing your contributors to access the tools they need, such as scalable high-speed storage, licenses, and cost management services.
client = session.create_client('deadline')
These are the available methods:
- associate_member_to_farm
- associate_member_to_fleet
- associate_member_to_job
- associate_member_to_queue
- assume_fleet_role_for_read
- assume_fleet_role_for_worker
- assume_queue_role_for_read
- assume_queue_role_for_user
- assume_queue_role_for_worker
- batch_get_job_entity
- can_paginate
- close
- copy_job_template
- create_budget
- create_farm
- create_fleet
- create_job
- create_license_endpoint
- create_limit
- create_monitor
- create_queue
- create_queue_environment
- create_queue_fleet_association
- create_queue_limit_association
- create_storage_profile
- create_worker
- delete_budget
- delete_farm
- delete_fleet
- delete_license_endpoint
- delete_limit
- delete_metered_product
- delete_monitor
- delete_queue
- delete_queue_environment
- delete_queue_fleet_association
- delete_queue_limit_association
- delete_storage_profile
- delete_worker
- disassociate_member_from_farm
- disassociate_member_from_fleet
- disassociate_member_from_job
- disassociate_member_from_queue
- get_budget
- get_farm
- get_fleet
- get_job
- get_license_endpoint
- get_limit
- get_monitor
- get_paginator
- get_queue
- get_queue_environment
- get_queue_fleet_association
- get_queue_limit_association
- get_session
- get_session_action
- get_sessions_statistics_aggregation
- get_step
- get_storage_profile
- get_storage_profile_for_queue
- get_task
- get_waiter
- get_worker
- list_available_metered_products
- list_budgets
- list_farm_members
- list_farms
- list_fleet_members
- list_fleets
- list_job_members
- list_job_parameter_definitions
- list_jobs
- list_license_endpoints
- list_limits
- list_metered_products
- list_monitors
- list_queue_environments
- list_queue_fleet_associations
- list_queue_limit_associations
- list_queue_members
- list_queues
- list_session_actions
- list_sessions
- list_sessions_for_worker
- list_step_consumers
- list_step_dependencies
- list_steps
- list_storage_profiles
- list_storage_profiles_for_queue
- list_tags_for_resource
- list_tasks
- list_workers
- put_metered_product
- search_jobs
- search_steps
- search_tasks
- search_workers
- start_sessions_statistics_aggregation
- tag_resource
- untag_resource
- update_budget
- update_farm
- update_fleet
- update_job
- update_limit
- update_monitor
- update_queue
- update_queue_environment
- update_queue_fleet_association
- update_queue_limit_association
- update_session
- update_step
- update_storage_profile
- update_task
- update_worker
- update_worker_schedule
Client Exceptions#
Client exceptions are available on a client instance via the exceptions
property. For more detailed instructions and examples on the exact usage of client exceptions, see the error handling user guide.
The available client exceptions are:
Paginators are available on a client instance via the get_paginator
method. For more detailed instructions and examples on the usage of paginators, see the paginators user guide.
The available paginators are:
- GetSessionsStatisticsAggregation
- ListAvailableMeteredProducts
- ListBudgets
- ListFarmMembers
- ListFarms
- ListFleetMembers
- ListFleets
- ListJobMembers
- ListJobParameterDefinitions
- ListJobs
- ListLicenseEndpoints
- ListLimits
- ListMeteredProducts
- ListMonitors
- ListQueueEnvironments
- ListQueueFleetAssociations
- ListQueueLimitAssociations
- ListQueueMembers
- ListQueues
- ListSessionActions
- ListSessions
- ListSessionsForWorker
- ListStepConsumers
- ListStepDependencies
- ListSteps
- ListStorageProfiles
- ListStorageProfilesForQueue
- ListTasks
- ListWorkers
Waiters are available on a client instance via the get_waiter
method. For more detailed instructions and examples on the usage or waiters, see the waiters user guide.
The available waiters are: