CognitoIdentity / Client / exceptions / InvalidIdentityPoolConfigurationException


class CognitoIdentity.Client.exceptions.InvalidIdentityPoolConfigurationException#

If you provided authentication information in the request, the identity pool has no authenticated role configured, or STS returned an error response to the request to assume the authenticated role from the identity pool. If you provided no authentication information in the request, the identity pool has no unauthenticated role configured, or STS returned an error response to the request to assume the unauthenticated role from the identity pool.

Your role trust policy must grant AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity permissions to


except client.exceptions.InvalidIdentityPoolConfigurationException as e:

The parsed error response. All exceptions have a top level Error key that provides normalized access to common exception atrributes. All other keys are specific to this service or exception class.


    'message': 'string',
    'Error': {
        'Code': 'string',
        'Message': 'string'


  • (dict) –

    If you provided authentication information in the request, the identity pool has no authenticated role configured, or STS returned an error response to the request to assume the authenticated role from the identity pool. If you provided no authentication information in the request, the identity pool has no unauthenticated role configured, or STS returned an error response to the request to assume the unauthenticated role from the identity pool.

    Your role trust policy must grant AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity permissions to

    • message (string) –

      The message returned for an InvalidIdentityPoolConfigurationException

    • Error (dict) – Normalized access to common exception attributes.

      • Code (string) – An identifier specifying the exception type.

      • Message (string) – A descriptive message explaining why the exception occured.