EKS / Client / describe_update
- EKS.Client.describe_update(**kwargs)#
Describes an update to an Amazon EKS resource.
When the status of the update is
, the update is complete. If an update fails, the status isFailed
, and an error detail explains the reason for the failure.See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.describe_update( name='string', updateId='string', nodegroupName='string', addonName='string' )
- Parameters:
name (string) –
The name of the Amazon EKS cluster associated with the update.
updateId (string) –
The ID of the update to describe.
nodegroupName (string) – The name of the Amazon EKS node group associated with the update. This parameter is required if the update is a node group update.
addonName (string) – The name of the add-on. The name must match one of the names returned by ListAddons. This parameter is required if the update is an add-on update.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'update': { 'id': 'string', 'status': 'InProgress'|'Failed'|'Cancelled'|'Successful', 'type': 'VersionUpdate'|'EndpointAccessUpdate'|'LoggingUpdate'|'ConfigUpdate'|'AssociateIdentityProviderConfig'|'DisassociateIdentityProviderConfig'|'AssociateEncryptionConfig'|'AddonUpdate'|'VpcConfigUpdate'|'AccessConfigUpdate'|'UpgradePolicyUpdate'|'ZonalShiftConfigUpdate'|'AutoModeUpdate', 'params': [ { 'type': 'Version'|'PlatformVersion'|'EndpointPrivateAccess'|'EndpointPublicAccess'|'ClusterLogging'|'DesiredSize'|'LabelsToAdd'|'LabelsToRemove'|'TaintsToAdd'|'TaintsToRemove'|'MaxSize'|'MinSize'|'ReleaseVersion'|'PublicAccessCidrs'|'LaunchTemplateName'|'LaunchTemplateVersion'|'IdentityProviderConfig'|'EncryptionConfig'|'AddonVersion'|'ServiceAccountRoleArn'|'ResolveConflicts'|'MaxUnavailable'|'MaxUnavailablePercentage'|'NodeRepairEnabled'|'UpdateStrategy'|'ConfigurationValues'|'SecurityGroups'|'Subnets'|'AuthenticationMode'|'PodIdentityAssociations'|'UpgradePolicy'|'ZonalShiftConfig'|'ComputeConfig'|'StorageConfig'|'KubernetesNetworkConfig', 'value': 'string' }, ], 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'errors': [ { 'errorCode': 'SubnetNotFound'|'SecurityGroupNotFound'|'EniLimitReached'|'IpNotAvailable'|'AccessDenied'|'OperationNotPermitted'|'VpcIdNotFound'|'Unknown'|'NodeCreationFailure'|'PodEvictionFailure'|'InsufficientFreeAddresses'|'ClusterUnreachable'|'InsufficientNumberOfReplicas'|'ConfigurationConflict'|'AdmissionRequestDenied'|'UnsupportedAddonModification'|'K8sResourceNotFound', 'errorMessage': 'string', 'resourceIds': [ 'string', ] }, ] } }
Response Structure
(dict) –
update (dict) –
The full description of the specified update.
id (string) –
A UUID that is used to track the update.
status (string) –
The current status of the update.
type (string) –
The type of the update.
params (list) –
A key-value map that contains the parameters associated with the update.
(dict) –
An object representing the details of an update request.
type (string) –
The keys associated with an update request.
value (string) –
The value of the keys submitted as part of an update request.
createdAt (datetime) –
The Unix epoch timestamp at object creation.
errors (list) –
Any errors associated with a
update.(dict) –
An object representing an error when an asynchronous operation fails.
errorCode (string) –
A brief description of the error.
SubnetNotFound: We couldn’t find one of the subnets associated with the cluster.
SecurityGroupNotFound: We couldn’t find one of the security groups associated with the cluster.
EniLimitReached: You have reached the elastic network interface limit for your account.
IpNotAvailable: A subnet associated with the cluster doesn’t have any available IP addresses.
AccessDenied: You don’t have permissions to perform the specified operation.
OperationNotPermitted: The service role associated with the cluster doesn’t have the required access permissions for Amazon EKS.
VpcIdNotFound: We couldn’t find the VPC associated with the cluster.
errorMessage (string) –
A more complete description of the error.
resourceIds (list) –
An optional field that contains the resource IDs associated with the error.
(string) –