HealthLake / Client / describe_fhir_datastore
- HealthLake.Client.describe_fhir_datastore(**kwargs)#
Gets the properties associated with the FHIR data store, including the data store ID, data store ARN, data store name, data store status, when the data store was created, data store type version, and the data store’s endpoint.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.describe_fhir_datastore( DatastoreId='string' )
- Parameters:
DatastoreId (string) –
The AWS-generated data store ID.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'DatastoreProperties': { 'DatastoreId': 'string', 'DatastoreArn': 'string', 'DatastoreName': 'string', 'DatastoreStatus': 'CREATING'|'ACTIVE'|'DELETING'|'DELETED'|'CREATE_FAILED', 'CreatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'DatastoreTypeVersion': 'R4', 'DatastoreEndpoint': 'string', 'SseConfiguration': { 'KmsEncryptionConfig': { 'CmkType': 'CUSTOMER_MANAGED_KMS_KEY'|'AWS_OWNED_KMS_KEY', 'KmsKeyId': 'string' } }, 'PreloadDataConfig': { 'PreloadDataType': 'SYNTHEA' }, 'IdentityProviderConfiguration': { 'AuthorizationStrategy': 'SMART_ON_FHIR_V1'|'SMART_ON_FHIR'|'AWS_AUTH', 'FineGrainedAuthorizationEnabled': True|False, 'Metadata': 'string', 'IdpLambdaArn': 'string' }, 'ErrorCause': { 'ErrorMessage': 'string', 'ErrorCategory': 'RETRYABLE_ERROR'|'NON_RETRYABLE_ERROR' } } }
Response Structure
(dict) –
DatastoreProperties (dict) –
All properties associated with a data store, including the data store ID, data store ARN, data store name, data store status, when the data store was created, data store type version, and the data store’s endpoint.
DatastoreId (string) –
The AWS-generated ID number for the data store.
DatastoreArn (string) –
The Amazon Resource Name used in the creation of the data store.
DatastoreName (string) –
The user-generated name for the data store.
DatastoreStatus (string) –
The status of the data store.
CreatedAt (datetime) –
The time that a data store was created.
DatastoreTypeVersion (string) –
The FHIR version. Only R4 version data is supported.
DatastoreEndpoint (string) –
The AWS endpoint for the data store. Each data store will have it’s own endpoint with data store ID in the endpoint URL.
SseConfiguration (dict) –
The server-side encryption key configuration for a customer provided encryption key (CMK).
KmsEncryptionConfig (dict) –
The KMS encryption configuration used to provide details for data encryption.
CmkType (string) –
The type of customer-managed-key(CMK) used for encryption. The two types of supported CMKs are customer owned CMKs and AWS owned CMKs.
KmsKeyId (string) –
The KMS encryption key id/alias used to encrypt the data store contents at rest.
PreloadDataConfig (dict) –
The preloaded data configuration for the data store. Only data preloaded from Synthea is supported.
PreloadDataType (string) –
The type of preloaded data. Only Synthea preloaded data is supported.
IdentityProviderConfiguration (dict) –
The identity provider that you selected when you created the data store.
AuthorizationStrategy (string) –
The authorization strategy that you selected when you created the data store.
FineGrainedAuthorizationEnabled (boolean) –
If you enabled fine-grained authorization when you created the data store.
Metadata (string) –
The JSON metadata elements that you want to use in your identity provider configuration. Required elements are listed based on the launch specification of the SMART application. For more information on all possible elements, see Metadata in SMART’s App Launch specification.
: The URL to the OAuth2 authorization endpoint.grant_types_supported
: An array of grant types that are supported at the token endpoint. You must provide at least one grant type option. Valid options areauthorization_code
: The URL to the OAuth2 token endpoint.capabilities
: An array of strings of the SMART capabilities that the authorization server supports.code_challenge_methods_supported
: An array of strings of supported PKCE code challenge methods. You must include theS256
method in the array of PKCE code challenge methods.IdpLambdaArn (string) –
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Lambda function that you want to use to decode the access token created by the authorization server.
ErrorCause (dict) –
The error cause for the current data store operation.
ErrorMessage (string) –
The text of the error message.
ErrorCategory (string) –
The error category of the create/delete data store operation. Possible statuses are RETRYABLE_ERROR or NON_RETRYABLE_ERROR.