ManagedintegrationsforIoTDeviceManagement / Client / update_managed_thing
- ManagedintegrationsforIoTDeviceManagement.Client.update_managed_thing(**kwargs)#
Update the attributes and capabilities associated with a managed thing.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.update_managed_thing( Identifier='string', Owner='string', CredentialLockerId='string', SerialNumber='string', Brand='string', Model='string', Name='string', CapabilityReport={ 'version': 'string', 'nodeId': 'string', 'endpoints': [ { 'id': 'string', 'deviceTypes': [ 'string', ], 'capabilities': [ { 'id': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'version': 'string', 'properties': [ 'string', ], 'actions': [ 'string', ], 'events': [ 'string', ] }, ] }, ] }, Capabilities='string', Classification='string', HubNetworkMode='STANDARD'|'NETWORK_WIDE_EXCLUSION', MetaData={ 'string': 'string' } )
- Parameters:
Identifier (string) –
The id of the managed thing.
Owner (string) – Owner of the device, usually an indication of whom the device belongs to. This value should not contain personal identifiable information.
CredentialLockerId (string) – The identifier of the credential for the managed thing.
SerialNumber (string) – The serial number of the device.
Brand (string) – The brand of the device.
Model (string) – The model of the device.
Name (string) – The name of the managed thing representing the physical device.
CapabilityReport (dict) –
A report of the capabilities for the managed thing.
version (string) – [REQUIRED]
The version of the capability report.
nodeId (string) –
The numeric identifier of the node.
endpoints (list) – [REQUIRED]
The endpoints used in the capability report.
(dict) –
The endpoint used in the capability report.
id (string) – [REQUIRED]
The id of the endpoint used in the capability report.
deviceTypes (list) – [REQUIRED]
The type of device.
(string) –
capabilities (list) – [REQUIRED]
The capabilities used in the capability report.
(dict) –
The capability used in capability report.
id (string) – [REQUIRED]
The id of the schema version.
name (string) – [REQUIRED]
The name of the capability.
version (string) – [REQUIRED]
The version of the capability.
properties (list) – [REQUIRED]
The capability properties used in the capability report.
(string) –
actions (list) – [REQUIRED]
The capability actions used in the capability report.
(string) –
events (list) – [REQUIRED]
The capability events used in the capability report.
(string) –
Capabilities (string) – The capabilities of the device such as light bulb.
Classification (string) – The classification of the managed thing such as light bulb or thermostat.
HubNetworkMode (string) – The network mode for the hub-connected device.
MetaData (dict) –
The metadata for the managed thing.
(string) –
(string) –
- Returns: