Lightsail / Client / create_gui_session_access_details
- Lightsail.Client.create_gui_session_access_details(**kwargs)#
Creates two URLs that are used to access a virtual computer’s graphical user interface (GUI) session. The primary URL initiates a web-based Amazon DCV session to the virtual computer’s application. The secondary URL initiates a web-based Amazon DCV session to the virtual computer’s operating session.
to open the session.See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.create_gui_session_access_details( resourceName='string' )
- Parameters:
resourceName (string) –
The resource name.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'resourceName': 'string', 'status': 'startExpired'|'notStarted'|'started'|'starting'|'stopped'|'stopping'|'settingUpInstance'|'failedInstanceCreation'|'failedStartingGUISession'|'failedStoppingGUISession', 'percentageComplete': 123, 'failureReason': 'string', 'sessions': [ { 'name': 'string', 'url': 'string', 'isPrimary': True|False }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) –
resourceName (string) –
The resource name.
status (string) –
The status of the operation.
percentageComplete (integer) –
The percentage of completion for the operation.
failureReason (string) –
The reason the operation failed.
sessions (list) –
Returns information about the specified Amazon DCV GUI session.
(dict) –
Describes a web-based, remote graphical user interface (GUI), Amazon DCV session. The session is used to access a virtual computer’s operating system or application.
name (string) –
The session name.
url (string) –
The session URL.
isPrimary (boolean) –
When true, this Boolean value indicates the primary session for the specified resource.