CloudWatchLogs / Client / update_delivery_configuration



Use this operation to update the configuration of a delivery to change either the S3 path pattern or the format of the delivered logs. You can’t use this operation to change the source or destination of the delivery.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.update_delivery_configuration(
        'suffixPath': 'string',
        'enableHiveCompatiblePath': True|False
  • id (string) –


    The ID of the delivery to be updated by this request.

  • recordFields (list) –

    The list of record fields to be delivered to the destination, in order. If the delivery’s log source has mandatory fields, they must be included in this list.

    • (string) –

  • fieldDelimiter (string) – The field delimiter to use between record fields when the final output format of a delivery is in Plain, W3C, or Raw format.

  • s3DeliveryConfiguration (dict) –

    This structure contains parameters that are valid only when the delivery’s delivery destination is an S3 bucket.

    • suffixPath (string) –

      This string allows re-configuring the S3 object prefix to contain either static or variable sections. The valid variables to use in the suffix path will vary by each log source. To find the values supported for the suffix path for each log source, use the DescribeConfigurationTemplates operation and check the allowedSuffixPathFields field in the response.

    • enableHiveCompatiblePath (boolean) –

      This parameter causes the S3 objects that contain delivered logs to use a prefix structure that allows for integration with Apache Hive.

Return type:



Response Syntax


Response Structure

  • (dict) –
