CloudWatchLogs / Paginator / ListLogAnomalyDetectors
- class CloudWatchLogs.Paginator.ListLogAnomalyDetectors#
paginator = client.get_paginator('list_log_anomaly_detectors')
- paginate(**kwargs)#
Creates an iterator that will paginate through responses from
.See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response_iterator = paginator.paginate( filterLogGroupArn='string', PaginationConfig={ 'MaxItems': 123, 'PageSize': 123, 'StartingToken': 'string' } )
- Parameters:
filterLogGroupArn (string) – Use this to optionally filter the results to only include anomaly detectors that are associated with the specified log group.
PaginationConfig (dict) –
A dictionary that provides parameters to control pagination.
MaxItems (integer) –
The total number of items to return. If the total number of items available is more than the value specified in max-items then a
will be provided in the output that you can use to resume pagination.PageSize (integer) –
The size of each page.
StartingToken (string) –
A token to specify where to start paginating. This is the
from a previous response.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'anomalyDetectors': [ { 'anomalyDetectorArn': 'string', 'detectorName': 'string', 'logGroupArnList': [ 'string', ], 'evaluationFrequency': 'ONE_MIN'|'FIVE_MIN'|'TEN_MIN'|'FIFTEEN_MIN'|'THIRTY_MIN'|'ONE_HOUR', 'filterPattern': 'string', 'anomalyDetectorStatus': 'INITIALIZING'|'TRAINING'|'ANALYZING'|'FAILED'|'DELETED'|'PAUSED', 'kmsKeyId': 'string', 'creationTimeStamp': 123, 'lastModifiedTimeStamp': 123, 'anomalyVisibilityTime': 123 }, ], 'NextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) –
anomalyDetectors (list) –
An array of structures, where each structure in the array contains information about one anomaly detector.
(dict) –
Contains information about one anomaly detector in the account.
anomalyDetectorArn (string) –
The ARN of the anomaly detector.
detectorName (string) –
The name of the anomaly detector.
logGroupArnList (list) –
A list of the ARNs of the log groups that this anomaly detector watches.
(string) –
evaluationFrequency (string) –
Specifies how often the anomaly detector runs and look for anomalies.
filterPattern (string) –
A symbolic description of how CloudWatch Logs should interpret the data in each log event. For example, a log event can contain timestamps, IP addresses, strings, and so on. You use the filter pattern to specify what to look for in the log event message.
anomalyDetectorStatus (string) –
Specifies the current status of the anomaly detector. To pause an anomaly detector, use the
parameter in the UpdateLogAnomalyDetector operation.kmsKeyId (string) –
The ARN of the KMS key assigned to this anomaly detector, if any.
creationTimeStamp (integer) –
The date and time when this anomaly detector was created.
lastModifiedTimeStamp (integer) –
The date and time when this anomaly detector was most recently modified.
anomalyVisibilityTime (integer) –
The number of days used as the life cycle of anomalies. After this time, anomalies are automatically baselined and the anomaly detector model will treat new occurrences of similar event as normal.
NextToken (string) –
A token to resume pagination.