MediaConvert / Client / probe
- MediaConvert.Client.probe(**kwargs)#
The Probe operation analyzes the provided media file and returns comprehensive metadata about its container format, tracks, and any encountered errors.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.probe( InputFiles=[ { 'FileUrl': 'string' }, ] )
- Parameters:
InputFiles (list) –
The list of input media files to be probed.
(dict) – The input file that needs to be analyzed.
FileUrl (string) – The URI to your input file(s) that is stored in Amazon S3 or on an HTTP(S) server.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'ProbeResults': [ { 'Container': { 'Duration': 123.0, 'Format': 'mp4'|'quicktime'|'matroska'|'webm', 'Tracks': [ { 'AudioProperties': { 'BitDepth': 123, 'BitRate': 123, 'Channels': 123, 'FrameRate': { 'Denominator': 123, 'Numerator': 123 }, 'LanguageCode': 'string', 'SampleRate': 123 }, 'Codec': 'UNKNOWN'|'AAC'|'AC3'|'EAC3'|'FLAC'|'MP3'|'OPUS'|'PCM'|'VORBIS'|'AV1'|'AVC'|'HEVC'|'MJPEG'|'MP4V'|'MPEG2'|'PRORES'|'THEORA'|'VP8'|'VP9'|'C608'|'C708'|'WEBVTT', 'DataProperties': { 'LanguageCode': 'string' }, 'Duration': 123.0, 'Index': 123, 'TrackType': 'video'|'audio'|'data', 'VideoProperties': { 'BitDepth': 123, 'BitRate': 123, 'ColorPrimaries': 'ITU_709'|'UNSPECIFIED'|'RESERVED'|'ITU_470M'|'ITU_470BG'|'SMPTE_170M'|'SMPTE_240M'|'GENERIC_FILM'|'ITU_2020'|'SMPTE_428_1'|'SMPTE_431_2'|'SMPTE_EG_432_1'|'IPT'|'SMPTE_2067XYZ'|'EBU_3213_E'|'LAST', 'FrameRate': { 'Denominator': 123, 'Numerator': 123 }, 'Height': 123, 'MatrixCoefficients': 'RGB'|'ITU_709'|'UNSPECIFIED'|'RESERVED'|'FCC'|'ITU_470BG'|'SMPTE_170M'|'SMPTE_240M'|'YCgCo'|'ITU_2020_NCL'|'ITU_2020_CL'|'SMPTE_2085'|'CD_NCL'|'CD_CL'|'ITU_2100ICtCp'|'IPT'|'EBU3213'|'LAST', 'TransferCharacteristics': 'ITU_709'|'UNSPECIFIED'|'RESERVED'|'ITU_470M'|'ITU_470BG'|'SMPTE_170M'|'SMPTE_240M'|'LINEAR'|'LOG10_2'|'LOC10_2_5'|'IEC_61966_2_4'|'ITU_1361'|'IEC_61966_2_1'|'ITU_2020_10bit'|'ITU_2020_12bit'|'SMPTE_2084'|'SMPTE_428_1'|'ARIB_B67'|'LAST', 'Width': 123 } }, ] }, 'Metadata': { 'ETag': 'string', 'FileSize': 123, 'LastModified': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'MimeType': 'string' }, 'TrackMappings': [ { 'AudioTrackIndexes': [ 123, ], 'DataTrackIndexes': [ 123, ], 'VideoTrackIndexes': [ 123, ] }, ] }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) –
ProbeResults (list) – List of probe results for the input media file(s).
(dict) – The metadata and analysis results for a media file.
Container (dict) – Information about the container format of the media file.
Duration (float) – The duration of the media file in seconds.
Format (string) – The format of the container
Tracks (list) – List of Track objects.
(dict) – The track information such as codec, duration, etc.
AudioProperties (dict) – Properties specific to audio tracks.
BitDepth (integer) – The bit depth of the audio track.
BitRate (integer) – The bit rate of the audio track in bits per second.
Channels (integer) – The number of audio channels.
FrameRate (dict) – the calculated frame rate of the asset.
Denominator (integer) – the denominator of the frame rate of the asset.
Numerator (integer) – the numerator of the frame rate of the asset.
LanguageCode (string) – the language code of the track
SampleRate (integer) – The sample rate of the audio track.
Codec (string) – The codec used for the track.
DataProperties (dict) – Properties specific to data tracks.
LanguageCode (string) – the language code of the track
Duration (float) – The duration of the track in seconds.
Index (integer) – The index of the track.
TrackType (string) – The type of the track (video, audio, or data).
VideoProperties (dict) – Properties specific to video tracks.
BitDepth (integer) – The bit depth of the video track.
BitRate (integer) – The bit rate of the video track in bits per second.
ColorPrimaries (string) – the color primaries.
FrameRate (dict) – the calculated frame rate of the asset.
Denominator (integer) – the denominator of the frame rate of the asset.
Numerator (integer) – the numerator of the frame rate of the asset.
Height (integer) – The height of the video track in pixels.
MatrixCoefficients (string) – the matrix coefficients.
TransferCharacteristics (string) – the transfer characteristics.
Width (integer) – The width of the video track in pixels.
Metadata (dict) – Metadata about the file.
ETag (string) – The ETag of the file.
FileSize (integer) – The size of the file in bytes.
LastModified (datetime) – The last modification time of the file.
MimeType (string) – The MIME type of the file.
TrackMappings (list) – List of Track mapping objects.
(dict) – Track mapping information.
AudioTrackIndexes (list) – The indexes of the audio tracks.
(integer) –
DataTrackIndexes (list) – The indexes of the data tracks.
(integer) –
VideoTrackIndexes (list) – The indexes of the video tracks.
(integer) –