PartnerCentralSellingAPI / Client / get_opportunity



Fetches the Opportunity record from Partner Central by a given Identifier.

Use the ListOpportunities action or the event notification (from Amazon EventBridge) to obtain this identifier.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.get_opportunity(
  • Catalog (string) –


    Specifies the catalog associated with the request. This field takes a string value from a predefined list: AWS or Sandbox. The catalog determines which environment the opportunity is fetched from. Use AWS to retrieve opportunities in the Amazon Web Services catalog, and Sandbox to retrieve opportunities in a secure, isolated testing environment.

  • Identifier (string) –


    Read-only, system generated Opportunity unique identifier.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'Arn': 'string',
    'Catalog': 'string',
    'CreatedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'Customer': {
        'Account': {
            'Address': {
                'City': 'string',
                'CountryCode': 'US'|'AF'|'AX'|'AL'|'DZ'|'AS'|'AD'|'AO'|'AI'|'AQ'|'AG'|'AR'|'AM'|'AW'|'AU'|'AT'|'AZ'|'BS'|'BH'|'BD'|'BB'|'BY'|'BE'|'BZ'|'BJ'|'BM'|'BT'|'BO'|'BQ'|'BA'|'BW'|'BV'|'BR'|'IO'|'BN'|'BG'|'BF'|'BI'|'KH'|'CM'|'CA'|'CV'|'KY'|'CF'|'TD'|'CL'|'CN'|'CX'|'CC'|'CO'|'KM'|'CG'|'CK'|'CR'|'CI'|'HR'|'CU'|'CW'|'CY'|'CZ'|'CD'|'DK'|'DJ'|'DM'|'DO'|'EC'|'EG'|'SV'|'GQ'|'ER'|'EE'|'ET'|'FK'|'FO'|'FJ'|'FI'|'FR'|'GF'|'PF'|'TF'|'GA'|'GM'|'GE'|'DE'|'GH'|'GI'|'GR'|'GL'|'GD'|'GP'|'GU'|'GT'|'GG'|'GN'|'GW'|'GY'|'HT'|'HM'|'VA'|'HN'|'HK'|'HU'|'IS'|'IN'|'ID'|'IR'|'IQ'|'IE'|'IM'|'IL'|'IT'|'JM'|'JP'|'JE'|'JO'|'KZ'|'KE'|'KI'|'KR'|'KW'|'KG'|'LA'|'LV'|'LB'|'LS'|'LR'|'LY'|'LI'|'LT'|'LU'|'MO'|'MK'|'MG'|'MW'|'MY'|'MV'|'ML'|'MT'|'MH'|'MQ'|'MR'|'MU'|'YT'|'MX'|'FM'|'MD'|'MC'|'MN'|'ME'|'MS'|'MA'|'MZ'|'MM'|'NA'|'NR'|'NP'|'NL'|'AN'|'NC'|'NZ'|'NI'|'NE'|'NG'|'NU'|'NF'|'MP'|'NO'|'OM'|'PK'|'PW'|'PS'|'PA'|'PG'|'PY'|'PE'|'PH'|'PN'|'PL'|'PT'|'PR'|'QA'|'RE'|'RO'|'RU'|'RW'|'BL'|'SH'|'KN'|'LC'|'MF'|'PM'|'VC'|'WS'|'SM'|'ST'|'SA'|'SN'|'RS'|'SC'|'SL'|'SG'|'SX'|'SK'|'SI'|'SB'|'SO'|'ZA'|'GS'|'SS'|'ES'|'LK'|'SD'|'SR'|'SJ'|'SZ'|'SE'|'CH'|'SY'|'TW'|'TJ'|'TZ'|'TH'|'TL'|'TG'|'TK'|'TO'|'TT'|'TN'|'TR'|'TM'|'TC'|'TV'|'UG'|'UA'|'AE'|'GB'|'UM'|'UY'|'UZ'|'VU'|'VE'|'VN'|'VG'|'VI'|'WF'|'EH'|'YE'|'ZM'|'ZW',
                'PostalCode': 'string',
                'StateOrRegion': 'string',
                'StreetAddress': 'string'
            'AwsAccountId': 'string',
            'CompanyName': 'string',
            'Duns': 'string',
            'Industry': 'Aerospace'|'Agriculture'|'Automotive'|'Computers and Electronics'|'Consumer Goods'|'Education'|'Energy - Oil and Gas'|'Energy - Power and Utilities'|'Financial Services'|'Gaming'|'Government'|'Healthcare'|'Hospitality'|'Life Sciences'|'Manufacturing'|'Marketing and Advertising'|'Media and Entertainment'|'Mining'|'Non-Profit Organization'|'Professional Services'|'Real Estate and Construction'|'Retail'|'Software and Internet'|'Telecommunications'|'Transportation and Logistics'|'Travel'|'Wholesale and Distribution'|'Other',
            'OtherIndustry': 'string',
            'WebsiteUrl': 'string'
        'Contacts': [
                'BusinessTitle': 'string',
                'Email': 'string',
                'FirstName': 'string',
                'LastName': 'string',
                'Phone': 'string'
    'Id': 'string',
    'LastModifiedDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'LifeCycle': {
        'ClosedLostReason': 'Customer Deficiency'|'Delay / Cancellation of Project'|'Legal / Tax / Regulatory'|'Lost to Competitor - Google'|'Lost to Competitor - Microsoft'|'Lost to Competitor - SoftLayer'|'Lost to Competitor - VMWare'|'Lost to Competitor - Other'|'No Opportunity'|'On Premises Deployment'|'Partner Gap'|'Price'|'Security / Compliance'|'Technical Limitations'|'Customer Experience'|'Other'|'People/Relationship/Governance'|'Product/Technology'|'Financial/Commercial',
        'NextSteps': 'string',
        'NextStepsHistory': [
                'Time': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                'Value': 'string'
        'ReviewComments': 'string',
        'ReviewStatus': 'Pending Submission'|'Submitted'|'In review'|'Approved'|'Rejected'|'Action Required',
        'ReviewStatusReason': 'string',
        'Stage': 'Prospect'|'Qualified'|'Technical Validation'|'Business Validation'|'Committed'|'Launched'|'Closed Lost',
        'TargetCloseDate': 'string'
    'Marketing': {
        'AwsFundingUsed': 'Yes'|'No',
        'CampaignName': 'string',
        'Channels': [
            'AWS Marketing Central'|'Content Syndication'|'Display'|'Email'|'Live Event'|'Out Of Home (OOH)'|'Print'|'Search'|'Social'|'Telemarketing'|'TV'|'Video'|'Virtual Event',
        'Source': 'Marketing Activity'|'None',
        'UseCases': [
    'NationalSecurity': 'Yes'|'No',
    'OpportunityTeam': [
            'BusinessTitle': 'string',
            'Email': 'string',
            'FirstName': 'string',
            'LastName': 'string',
            'Phone': 'string'
    'OpportunityType': 'Net New Business'|'Flat Renewal'|'Expansion',
    'PartnerOpportunityIdentifier': 'string',
    'PrimaryNeedsFromAws': [
        'Co-Sell - Architectural Validation'|'Co-Sell - Business Presentation'|'Co-Sell - Competitive Information'|'Co-Sell - Pricing Assistance'|'Co-Sell - Technical Consultation'|'Co-Sell - Total Cost of Ownership Evaluation'|'Co-Sell - Deal Support'|'Co-Sell - Support for Public Tender / RFx',
    'Project': {
        'AdditionalComments': 'string',
        'ApnPrograms': [
        'CompetitorName': 'Oracle Cloud'|'On-Prem'|'Co-location'|'Akamai'|'AliCloud'|'Google Cloud Platform'|'IBM Softlayer'|'Microsoft Azure'|'Other- Cost Optimization'|'No Competition'|'*Other',
        'CustomerBusinessProblem': 'string',
        'CustomerUseCase': 'string',
        'DeliveryModels': [
            'SaaS or PaaS'|'BYOL or AMI'|'Managed Services'|'Professional Services'|'Resell'|'Other',
        'ExpectedCustomerSpend': [
                'Amount': 'string',
                'CurrencyCode': 'USD'|'EUR'|'GBP'|'AUD'|'CAD'|'CNY'|'NZD'|'INR'|'JPY'|'CHF'|'SEK'|'AED'|'AFN'|'ALL'|'AMD'|'ANG'|'AOA'|'ARS'|'AWG'|'AZN'|'BAM'|'BBD'|'BDT'|'BGN'|'BHD'|'BIF'|'BMD'|'BND'|'BOB'|'BOV'|'BRL'|'BSD'|'BTN'|'BWP'|'BYN'|'BZD'|'CDF'|'CHE'|'CHW'|'CLF'|'CLP'|'COP'|'COU'|'CRC'|'CUC'|'CUP'|'CVE'|'CZK'|'DJF'|'DKK'|'DOP'|'DZD'|'EGP'|'ERN'|'ETB'|'FJD'|'FKP'|'GEL'|'GHS'|'GIP'|'GMD'|'GNF'|'GTQ'|'GYD'|'HKD'|'HNL'|'HRK'|'HTG'|'HUF'|'IDR'|'ILS'|'IQD'|'IRR'|'ISK'|'JMD'|'JOD'|'KES'|'KGS'|'KHR'|'KMF'|'KPW'|'KRW'|'KWD'|'KYD'|'KZT'|'LAK'|'LBP'|'LKR'|'LRD'|'LSL'|'LYD'|'MAD'|'MDL'|'MGA'|'MKD'|'MMK'|'MNT'|'MOP'|'MRU'|'MUR'|'MVR'|'MWK'|'MXN'|'MXV'|'MYR'|'MZN'|'NAD'|'NGN'|'NIO'|'NOK'|'NPR'|'OMR'|'PAB'|'PEN'|'PGK'|'PHP'|'PKR'|'PLN'|'PYG'|'QAR'|'RON'|'RSD'|'RUB'|'RWF'|'SAR'|'SBD'|'SCR'|'SDG'|'SGD'|'SHP'|'SLL'|'SOS'|'SRD'|'SSP'|'STN'|'SVC'|'SYP'|'SZL'|'THB'|'TJS'|'TMT'|'TND'|'TOP'|'TRY'|'TTD'|'TWD'|'TZS'|'UAH'|'UGX'|'USN'|'UYI'|'UYU'|'UZS'|'VEF'|'VND'|'VUV'|'WST'|'XAF'|'XCD'|'XDR'|'XOF'|'XPF'|'XSU'|'XUA'|'YER'|'ZAR'|'ZMW'|'ZWL',
                'EstimationUrl': 'string',
                'Frequency': 'Monthly',
                'TargetCompany': 'string'
        'OtherCompetitorNames': 'string',
        'OtherSolutionDescription': 'string',
        'RelatedOpportunityIdentifier': 'string',
        'SalesActivities': [
            'Initialized discussions with customer'|'Customer has shown interest in solution'|'Conducted POC / Demo'|'In evaluation / planning stage'|'Agreed on solution to Business Problem'|'Completed Action Plan'|'Finalized Deployment Need'|'SOW Signed',
        'Title': 'string'
    'RelatedEntityIdentifiers': {
        'AwsMarketplaceOffers': [
        'AwsProducts': [
        'Solutions': [
    'SoftwareRevenue': {
        'DeliveryModel': 'Contract'|'Pay-as-you-go'|'Subscription',
        'EffectiveDate': 'string',
        'ExpirationDate': 'string',
        'Value': {
            'Amount': 'string',
            'CurrencyCode': 'USD'|'EUR'|'GBP'|'AUD'|'CAD'|'CNY'|'NZD'|'INR'|'JPY'|'CHF'|'SEK'|'AED'|'AFN'|'ALL'|'AMD'|'ANG'|'AOA'|'ARS'|'AWG'|'AZN'|'BAM'|'BBD'|'BDT'|'BGN'|'BHD'|'BIF'|'BMD'|'BND'|'BOB'|'BOV'|'BRL'|'BSD'|'BTN'|'BWP'|'BYN'|'BZD'|'CDF'|'CHE'|'CHW'|'CLF'|'CLP'|'COP'|'COU'|'CRC'|'CUC'|'CUP'|'CVE'|'CZK'|'DJF'|'DKK'|'DOP'|'DZD'|'EGP'|'ERN'|'ETB'|'FJD'|'FKP'|'GEL'|'GHS'|'GIP'|'GMD'|'GNF'|'GTQ'|'GYD'|'HKD'|'HNL'|'HRK'|'HTG'|'HUF'|'IDR'|'ILS'|'IQD'|'IRR'|'ISK'|'JMD'|'JOD'|'KES'|'KGS'|'KHR'|'KMF'|'KPW'|'KRW'|'KWD'|'KYD'|'KZT'|'LAK'|'LBP'|'LKR'|'LRD'|'LSL'|'LYD'|'MAD'|'MDL'|'MGA'|'MKD'|'MMK'|'MNT'|'MOP'|'MRU'|'MUR'|'MVR'|'MWK'|'MXN'|'MXV'|'MYR'|'MZN'|'NAD'|'NGN'|'NIO'|'NOK'|'NPR'|'OMR'|'PAB'|'PEN'|'PGK'|'PHP'|'PKR'|'PLN'|'PYG'|'QAR'|'RON'|'RSD'|'RUB'|'RWF'|'SAR'|'SBD'|'SCR'|'SDG'|'SGD'|'SHP'|'SLL'|'SOS'|'SRD'|'SSP'|'STN'|'SVC'|'SYP'|'SZL'|'THB'|'TJS'|'TMT'|'TND'|'TOP'|'TRY'|'TTD'|'TWD'|'TZS'|'UAH'|'UGX'|'USN'|'UYI'|'UYU'|'UZS'|'VEF'|'VND'|'VUV'|'WST'|'XAF'|'XCD'|'XDR'|'XOF'|'XPF'|'XSU'|'XUA'|'YER'|'ZAR'|'ZMW'|'ZWL'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • Arn (string) –

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that uniquely identifies the opportunity.

    • Catalog (string) –

      Specifies the catalog associated with the request. This field takes a string value from a predefined list: AWS or Sandbox. The catalog determines which environment the opportunity information is retrieved from. Use AWS to retrieve opportunities in the Amazon Web Services catalog, and Sandbox to retrieve opportunities in a secure and isolated testing environment.

    • CreatedDate (datetime) –

      DateTime when the Opportunity was last created.

    • Customer (dict) –

      Specifies details of the customer associated with the Opportunity.

      • Account (dict) –

        An object that contains the customer’s account details.

        • Address (dict) –

          Specifies the end Customer’s address details associated with the Opportunity.

          • City (string) –

            Specifies the end Customer’s city associated with the Opportunity.

          • CountryCode (string) –

            Specifies the end Customer’s country associated with the Opportunity.

          • PostalCode (string) –

            Specifies the end Customer’s postal code associated with the Opportunity.

          • StateOrRegion (string) –

            Specifies the end Customer’s state or region associated with the Opportunity.

            Valid values: Alabama | Alaska | American Samoa | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | Dist. of Columbia | Federated States of Micronesia | Florida | Georgia | Guam | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Marshall Islands | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Northern Mariana Islands | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Palau | Pennsylvania | Puerto Rico | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Virgin Islands | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming | APO/AE | AFO/FPO | FPO, AP

          • StreetAddress (string) –

            Specifies the end Customer’s street address associated with the Opportunity.

        • AwsAccountId (string) –

          Specifies the Customer Amazon Web Services account ID associated with the Opportunity.

        • CompanyName (string) –

          Specifies the end Customer’s company name associated with the Opportunity.

        • Duns (string) –

          Indicates the Customer DUNS number, if available.

        • Industry (string) –

          Specifies the industry the end Customer belongs to that’s associated with the Opportunity. It refers to the category or sector where the customer’s business operates. This is a required field.

        • OtherIndustry (string) –

          Specifies the end Customer’s industry associated with the Opportunity, when the selected value in the Industry field is Other.

        • WebsiteUrl (string) –

          Specifies the end customer’s company website URL associated with the Opportunity. This value is crucial to map the customer within the Amazon Web Services CRM system. This field is required in all cases except when the opportunity is related to national security.

      • Contacts (list) –

        Represents the contact details for individuals associated with the customer of the Opportunity. This field captures relevant contacts, including decision-makers, influencers, and technical stakeholders within the customer organization. These contacts are key to progressing the opportunity.

        • (dict) –

          An object that contains a Customer Partner’s contact details.

          • BusinessTitle (string) –

            The partner contact’s title (job title or role) associated with the Opportunity. BusinessTitle supports either PartnerAccountManager or OpportunityOwner.

          • Email (string) –

            The contact’s email address associated with the Opportunity.

          • FirstName (string) –

            The contact’s first name associated with the Opportunity.

          • LastName (string) –

            The contact’s last name associated with the Opportunity.

          • Phone (string) –

            The contact’s phone number associated with the Opportunity.

    • Id (string) –

      Read-only, system generated Opportunity unique identifier.

    • LastModifiedDate (datetime) –

      DateTime when the opportunity was last modified.

    • LifeCycle (dict) –

      An object that contains lifecycle details for the Opportunity.

      • ClosedLostReason (string) –

        Specifies the reason code when an opportunity is marked as Closed Lost. When you select an appropriate reason code, you communicate the context for closing the Opportunity, and aid in accurate reports and analysis of opportunity outcomes. The possible values are:

        • Customer Deficiency: The customer lacked necessary resources or capabilities.

        • Delay/Cancellation of Project: The project was delayed or canceled.

        • Legal/Tax/Regulatory: Legal, tax, or regulatory issues prevented progress.

        • Lost to Competitor—Google: The opportunity was lost to Google.

        • Lost to Competitor—Microsoft: The opportunity was lost to Microsoft.

        • Lost to Competitor—SoftLayer: The opportunity was lost to SoftLayer.

        • Lost to Competitor—VMWare: The opportunity was lost to VMWare.

        • Lost to Competitor—Other: The opportunity was lost to a competitor not listed above.

        • No Opportunity: There was no opportunity to pursue.

        • On Premises Deployment: The customer chose an on-premises solution.

        • Partner Gap: The partner lacked necessary resources or capabilities.

        • Price: The price was not competitive or acceptable to the customer.

        • Security/Compliance: Security or compliance issues prevented progress.

        • Technical Limitations: Technical limitations prevented progress.

        • Customer Experience: Issues related to the customer’s experience impacted the decision.

        • Other: Any reason not covered by the other values.

        • People/Relationship/Governance: Issues related to people, relationships, or governance.

        • Product/Technology: Issues related to the product or technology.

        • Financial/Commercial: Financial or commercial issues impacted the decision.

      • NextSteps (string) –

        Specifies the upcoming actions or tasks for the Opportunity. Use this field to communicate with Amazon Web Services about the next actions required for the Opportunity.

      • NextStepsHistory (list) –

        Captures a chronological record of the next steps or actions planned or taken for the current opportunity, along with the timestamp.

        • (dict) –

          Read-only; shows the last 50 values and change dates for the NextSteps field.

          • Time (datetime) –

            Indicates the step execution time.

          • Value (string) –

            Indicates the step’s execution details.

      • ReviewComments (string) –

        Indicates why an opportunity was sent back for further details. Partners must take corrective action based on the ReviewComments.

      • ReviewStatus (string) –

        Indicates the review status of an opportunity referred by a partner. This field is read-only and only applicable for partner referrals. The possible values are:

        • Pending Submission: Not submitted for validation (editable).

        • Submitted: Submitted for validation, and Amazon Web Services hasn’t reviewed it (read-only).

        • In Review: Amazon Web Services is validating (read-only).

        • Action Required: Issues that Amazon Web Services highlights need to be addressed. Partners should use the UpdateOpportunity API action to update the opportunity and helps to ensure that all required changes are made. Only the following fields are editable when the Lifecycle.ReviewStatus is Action Required:

          • Customer.Account.Address.City

          • Customer.Account.Address.CountryCode

          • Customer.Account.Address.PostalCode

          • Customer.Account.Address.StateOrRegion

          • Customer.Account.Address.StreetAddress

          • Customer.Account.WebsiteUrl

          • LifeCycle.TargetCloseDate

          • Project.ExpectedMonthlyAWSRevenue.Amount

          • Project.ExpectedMonthlyAWSRevenue.CurrencyCode

          • Project.CustomerBusinessProblem

          • PartnerOpportunityIdentifier

        After updates, the opportunity re-enters the validation phase. This process repeats until all issues are resolved, and the opportunity’s Lifecycle.ReviewStatus is set to Approved or Rejected.

        • Approved: Validated and converted into the Amazon Web Services seller’s pipeline (editable).

        • Rejected: Disqualified (read-only).

      • ReviewStatusReason (string) –

        Indicates the reason a decision was made during the opportunity review process. This field combines the reasons for both disqualified and action required statuses, and provide clarity for why an opportunity was disqualified or requires further action.

      • Stage (string) –

        Specifies the current stage of the Opportunity’s lifecycle as it maps to Amazon Web Services stages from the current stage in the partner CRM. This field provides a translated value of the stage, and offers insight into the Opportunity’s progression in the sales cycle, according to Amazon Web Services definitions.


        A lead and a prospect must be further matured to a Qualified opportunity before submission. Opportunities that were closed/lost before submission aren’t suitable for submission.

        The descriptions of each sales stage are:

        • Prospect: Amazon Web Services identifies the opportunity. It can be active (Comes directly from the end customer through a lead) or latent (Your account team believes it exists based on research, account plans, sales plays).

        • Qualified: Your account team engaged with the customer to discuss viability and requirements. The customer agreed that the opportunity is real, of interest, and may solve business/technical needs.

        • Technical Validation: All parties understand the implementation plan.

        • Business Validation: Pricing was proposed, and all parties agree to the steps to close.

        • Committed: The customer signed the contract, but Amazon Web Services hasn’t started billing.

        • Launched: The workload is complete, and Amazon Web Services has started billing.

        • Closed Lost: The opportunity is lost, and there are no steps to move forward.

      • TargetCloseDate (string) –

        Specifies the date when Amazon Web Services expects to start significant billing, when the project finishes, and when it moves into production. This field informs the Amazon Web Services seller about when the opportunity launches and starts to incur Amazon Web Services usage.

        Ensure the Target Close Date isn’t in the past.

    • Marketing (dict) –

      An object that contains marketing details for the Opportunity.

      • AwsFundingUsed (string) –

        Indicates if the Opportunity is a marketing development fund (MDF) funded activity.

      • CampaignName (string) –

        Specifies the Opportunity marketing campaign code. The Amazon Web Services campaign code is a reference to specific marketing initiatives, promotions, or activities. This field captures the identifier used to track and categorize the Opportunity within marketing campaigns. If you don’t have a campaign code, contact your Amazon Web Services point of contact to obtain one.

      • Channels (list) –

        Specifies the Opportunity’s channel that the marketing activity is associated with or was contacted through. This field provides information about the specific marketing channel that contributed to the generation of the lead or contact.

        • (string) –

      • Source (string) –

        Indicates if the Opportunity was sourced from an Amazon Web Services marketing activity. Use the value Marketing Activity. Use None if it’s not associated with an Amazon Web Services marketing activity. This field helps Amazon Web Services track the return on marketing investments and enables better distribution of marketing budgets among partners.

      • UseCases (list) –

        Specifies the marketing activity use case or purpose that led to the Opportunity’s creation or contact. This field captures the context or marketing activity’s execution’s intention and the direct correlation to the generated opportunity or contact. Must be empty when Marketing.AWSFundingUsed = No.

        Valid values: AI/ML | Analytics | Application Integration | Blockchain | Business Applications | Cloud Financial Management | Compute | Containers | Customer Engagement | Databases | Developer Tools | End User Computing | Front End Web & Mobile | Game Tech | IoT | Management & Governance | Media Services | Migration & Transfer | Networking & Content Delivery | Quantum Technologies | Robotics | Satellite | Security | Serverless | Storage | VR & AR

        • (string) –

    • NationalSecurity (string) –

      Indicates whether the Opportunity pertains to a national security project. This field must be set to true only when the customer’s industry is Government. Additional privacy and security measures apply during the review and management process for opportunities marked as NationalSecurity.

    • OpportunityTeam (list) –

      Represents the internal team handling the opportunity. Specify the members involved in collaborating on this opportunity within the partner’s organization.

      • (dict) –

        An object that contains a Customer Partner’s contact details.

        • BusinessTitle (string) –

          The partner contact’s title (job title or role) associated with the Opportunity. BusinessTitle supports either PartnerAccountManager or OpportunityOwner.

        • Email (string) –

          The contact’s email address associated with the Opportunity.

        • FirstName (string) –

          The contact’s first name associated with the Opportunity.

        • LastName (string) –

          The contact’s last name associated with the Opportunity.

        • Phone (string) –

          The contact’s phone number associated with the Opportunity.

    • OpportunityType (string) –

      Specifies the opportunity type as renewal, new, or expansion.

      Opportunity types:

      • New opportunity: Represents a new business opportunity with a potential customer that’s not previously engaged with your solutions or services.

      • Renewal opportunity: Represents an opportunity to renew an existing contract or subscription with a current customer, which helps to ensure service continuity.

      • Expansion opportunity: Represents an opportunity to expand the scope of a customer’s contract or subscription, either by adding new services or increasing the volume of existing services.

    • PartnerOpportunityIdentifier (string) –

      Specifies the opportunity’s unique identifier in the partner’s CRM system. This value is essential to track and reconcile because it’s included in the outbound payload sent back to the partner.

    • PrimaryNeedsFromAws (list) –

      Identifies the type of support the partner needs from Amazon Web Services.

      Valid values:

      • Cosell—Architectural Validation: Confirmation from Amazon Web Services that the partner’s proposed solution architecture is aligned with Amazon Web Services best practices and poses minimal architectural risks.

      • Cosell—Business Presentation: Request Amazon Web Services seller’s participation in a joint customer presentation.

      • Cosell—Competitive Information: Access to Amazon Web Services competitive resources and support for the partner’s proposed solution.

      • Cosell—Pricing Assistance: Connect with an Amazon Web Services seller for support situations where a partner may be receiving an upfront discount on a service (for example: EDP deals).

      • Cosell—Technical Consultation: Connect with an Amazon Web Services Solutions Architect to address the partner’s questions about the proposed solution.

      • Cosell—Total Cost of Ownership Evaluation: Assistance with quoting different cost savings of proposed solutions on Amazon Web Services versus on-premises or a traditional hosting environment.

      • Cosell—Deal Support: Request Amazon Web Services seller’s support to progress the opportunity (for example: joint customer call, strategic positioning).

      • Cosell—Support for Public Tender/RFx: Opportunity related to the public sector where the partner needs Amazon Web Services RFx support.

      • (string) –

    • Project (dict) –

      An object that contains project details summary for the Opportunity.

      • AdditionalComments (string) –

        Captures additional comments or information for the Opportunity that weren’t captured in other fields.

      • ApnPrograms (list) –

        Specifies the Amazon Partner Network (APN) program that influenced the Opportunity. APN programs refer to specific partner programs or initiatives that can impact the Opportunity.

        Valid values: APN Immersion Days | APN Solution Space | ATO (Authority to Operate) | AWS Marketplace Campaign | IS Immersion Day SFID Program | ISV Workload Migration | Migration Acceleration Program | P3 | Partner Launch Initiative | Partner Opportunity Acceleration Funded | The Next Smart | VMware Cloud on AWS | Well-Architected | Windows | Workspaces/AppStream Accelerator Program | WWPS NDPP

        • (string) –

      • CompetitorName (string) –

        Name of the Opportunity’s competitor (if any). Use Other to submit a value not in the picklist.

      • CustomerBusinessProblem (string) –

        Describes the problem the end customer has, and how the partner is helping. Utilize this field to provide a concise narrative that outlines the customer’s business challenge or issue. Elaborate on how the partner’s solution or offerings align to resolve the customer’s business problem. Include relevant information about the partner’s value proposition, unique selling points, and expertise to tackle the issue. Offer insights on how the proposed solution meets the customer’s needs and provides value. Use concise language and precise descriptions to convey the context and significance of the Opportunity. The content in this field helps Amazon Web Services understand the nature of the Opportunity and the strategic fit of the partner’s solution.

      • CustomerUseCase (string) –

        Specifies the proposed solution focus or type of workload for the Opportunity. This field captures the primary use case or objective of the proposed solution, and provides context and clarity to the addressed workload.

        Valid values: AI Machine Learning and Analytics | Archiving | Big Data: Data Warehouse/Data Integration/ETL/Data Lake/BI | Blockchain | Business Applications: Mainframe Modernization | Business Applications & Contact Center | Business Applications & SAP Production | Centralized Operations Management | Cloud Management Tools | Cloud Management Tools & DevOps with Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery (CICD) | Configuration, Compliance & Auditing | Connected Services | Containers & Serverless | Content Delivery & Edge Services | Database | Edge Computing/End User Computing | Energy | Enterprise Governance & Controls | Enterprise Resource Planning | Financial Services | Healthcare and Life Sciences | High Performance Computing | Hybrid Application Platform | Industrial Software | IOT | Manufacturing, Supply Chain and Operations | Media & High performance computing (HPC) | Migration/Database Migration | Monitoring, logging and performance | Monitoring & Observability | Networking | Outpost | SAP | Security & Compliance | Storage & Backup | Training | VMC | VMWare | Web development & DevOps

      • DeliveryModels (list) –

        Specifies the deployment or consumption model for your solution or service in the Opportunity’s context. You can select multiple options.

        Options’ descriptions from the Delivery Model field are:

        • SaaS or PaaS: Your Amazon Web Services based solution deployed as SaaS or PaaS in your Amazon Web Services environment.

        • BYOL or AMI: Your Amazon Web Services based solution deployed as BYOL or AMI in the end customer’s Amazon Web Services environment.

        • Managed Services: The end customer’s Amazon Web Services business management (For example: Consulting, design, implementation, billing support, cost optimization, technical support).

        • Professional Services: Offerings to help enterprise end customers achieve specific business outcomes for enterprise cloud adoption (For example: Advisory or transformation planning).

        • Resell: Amazon Web Services accounts and billing management for your customers.

        • Other: Delivery model not described above.

        • (string) –

      • ExpectedCustomerSpend (list) –

        Represents the estimated amount that the customer is expected to spend on AWS services related to the opportunity. This helps in evaluating the potential financial value of the opportunity for AWS.

        • (dict) –

          Provides an estimate of the revenue that the partner is expected to generate from the opportunity. This information helps partners assess the financial value of the project.

          • Amount (string) –

            Represents the estimated monthly revenue that the partner expects to earn from the opportunity. This helps in forecasting financial returns.

          • CurrencyCode (string) –

            Indicates the currency in which the revenue estimate is provided. This helps in understanding the financial impact across different markets.

          • EstimationUrl (string) –

            A URL providing additional information or context about the spend estimation.

          • Frequency (string) –

            Indicates how frequently the customer is expected to spend the projected amount. This can include values such as Monthly, Quarterly, or Annually. The default value is Monthly, representing recurring monthly spend.

          • TargetCompany (string) –

            Specifies the name of the partner company that is expected to generate revenue from the opportunity. This field helps track the partner’s involvement in the opportunity.

      • OtherCompetitorNames (string) –

        Only allowed when CompetitorNames has Other selected.

      • OtherSolutionDescription (string) –

        Specifies the offered solution for the customer’s business problem when the RelatedEntityIdentifiers.Solutions field value is Other.

      • RelatedOpportunityIdentifier (string) –

        Specifies the current opportunity’s parent opportunity identifier.

      • SalesActivities (list) –

        Specifies the Opportunity’s sales activities conducted with the end customer. These activities help drive Amazon Web Services assignment priority.

        Valid values:

        • Initialized discussions with customer: Initial conversations with the customer to understand their needs and introduce your solution.

        • Customer has shown interest in solution: After initial discussions, the customer is interested in your solution.

        • Conducted POC/demo: You conducted a proof of concept (POC) or demonstration of the solution for the customer.

        • In evaluation/planning stage: The customer is evaluating the solution and planning potential implementation.

        • Agreed on solution to Business Problem: Both parties agree on how the solution addresses the customer’s business problem.

        • Completed Action Plan: A detailed action plan is complete and outlines the steps for implementation.

        • Finalized Deployment Need: Both parties agree with and finalized the deployment needs.

        • SOW Signed: Both parties signed a statement of work (SOW), and formalize the agreement and detail the project scope and deliverables.

        • (string) –

      • Title (string) –

        Specifies the Opportunity’s title or name.

    • RelatedEntityIdentifiers (dict) –

      Provides information about the associations of other entities with the opportunity. These entities include identifiers for AWSProducts, Partner Solutions, and AWSMarketplaceOffers.

      • AwsMarketplaceOffers (list) –

        Takes one value per opportunity. Each value is an Amazon Resource Name (ARN), in this format: "offers": ["arn:aws:aws-marketplace:us-east-1:999999999999:AWSMarketplace/Offer/offer-sampleOffer32"].

        Use the ListEntities action in the Marketplace Catalog APIs for a list of offers in the associated Marketplace seller account.

        • (string) –

      • AwsProducts (list) –

        Enables the association of specific Amazon Web Services products with the Opportunity. Partners can indicate the relevant Amazon Web Services products for the Opportunity’s solution and align with the customer’s needs. Returns multiple values separated by commas. For example, "AWSProducts" : ["AmazonRedshift", "AWSAppFabric", "AWSCleanRooms"].

        Use the file with the list of Amazon Web Services products hosted on GitHub: Amazon Web Services products.

        • (string) –

      • Solutions (list) –

        Enables partner solutions or offerings’ association with an opportunity. To associate a solution, provide the solution’s unique identifier, which you can obtain with the ListSolutions operation.

        If the specific solution identifier is not available, you can use the value Other and provide details about the solution in the otherSolutionOffered field. But when the opportunity reaches the Committed stage or beyond, the Other value cannot be used, and a valid solution identifier must be provided.

        By associating the relevant solutions with the opportunity, you can communicate the offerings that are being considered or implemented to address the customer’s business problem.

        • (string) –

    • SoftwareRevenue (dict) –

      Specifies details of a customer’s procurement terms. Required only for partners in eligible programs.

      • DeliveryModel (string) –

        Specifies the customer’s intended payment type agreement or procurement method to acquire the solution or service outlined in the Opportunity.

      • EffectiveDate (string) –

        Specifies the Opportunity’s customer engagement start date for the contract’s effectiveness.

      • ExpirationDate (string) –

        Specifies the expiration date for the contract between the customer and Amazon Web Services partner. It signifies the termination date of the agreed-upon engagement period between both parties.

      • Value (dict) –

        Specifies the payment value (amount and currency).

        • Amount (string) –

          Specifies the payment amount.

        • CurrencyCode (string) –

          Specifies the payment currency.
