SageMaker / Client / describe_training_plan
- SageMaker.Client.describe_training_plan(**kwargs)#
Retrieves detailed information about a specific training plan.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.describe_training_plan( TrainingPlanName='string' )
- Parameters:
TrainingPlanName (string) –
The name of the training plan to describe.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'TrainingPlanArn': 'string', 'TrainingPlanName': 'string', 'Status': 'Pending'|'Active'|'Scheduled'|'Expired'|'Failed', 'StatusMessage': 'string', 'DurationHours': 123, 'DurationMinutes': 123, 'StartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'EndTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'UpfrontFee': 'string', 'CurrencyCode': 'string', 'TotalInstanceCount': 123, 'AvailableInstanceCount': 123, 'InUseInstanceCount': 123, 'TargetResources': [ 'training-job'|'hyperpod-cluster', ], 'ReservedCapacitySummaries': [ { 'ReservedCapacityArn': 'string', 'InstanceType': 'ml.p4d.24xlarge'|'ml.p5.48xlarge'|'ml.p5e.48xlarge'|'ml.p5en.48xlarge'|'ml.trn1.32xlarge'|'ml.trn2.48xlarge', 'TotalInstanceCount': 123, 'Status': 'Pending'|'Active'|'Scheduled'|'Expired'|'Failed', 'AvailabilityZone': 'string', 'DurationHours': 123, 'DurationMinutes': 123, 'StartTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'EndTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) –
TrainingPlanArn (string) –
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN); of the training plan.
TrainingPlanName (string) –
The name of the training plan.
Status (string) –
The current status of the training plan (e.g., Pending, Active, Expired). To see the complete list of status values available for a training plan, refer to the
attribute within theTrainingPlanSummary
object.StatusMessage (string) –
A message providing additional information about the current status of the training plan.
DurationHours (integer) –
The number of whole hours in the total duration for this training plan.
DurationMinutes (integer) –
The additional minutes beyond whole hours in the total duration for this training plan.
StartTime (datetime) –
The start time of the training plan.
EndTime (datetime) –
The end time of the training plan.
UpfrontFee (string) –
The upfront fee for the training plan.
CurrencyCode (string) –
The currency code for the upfront fee (e.g., USD).
TotalInstanceCount (integer) –
The total number of instances reserved in this training plan.
AvailableInstanceCount (integer) –
The number of instances currently available for use in this training plan.
InUseInstanceCount (integer) –
The number of instances currently in use from this training plan.
TargetResources (list) –
The target resources (e.g., SageMaker Training Jobs, SageMaker HyperPod) that can use this training plan.
Training plans are specific to their target resource.
A training plan designed for SageMaker training jobs can only be used to schedule and run training jobs.
A training plan for HyperPod clusters can be used exclusively to provide compute resources to a cluster’s instance group.
(string) –
ReservedCapacitySummaries (list) –
The list of Reserved Capacity providing the underlying compute resources of the plan.
(dict) –
Details of a reserved capacity for the training plan.
For more information about how to reserve GPU capacity for your SageMaker HyperPod clusters using Amazon SageMaker Training Plan, see ``CreateTrainingPlan ``.
ReservedCapacityArn (string) –
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN); of the reserved capacity.
InstanceType (string) –
The instance type for the reserved capacity.
TotalInstanceCount (integer) –
The total number of instances in the reserved capacity.
Status (string) –
The current status of the reserved capacity.
AvailabilityZone (string) –
The availability zone for the reserved capacity.
DurationHours (integer) –
The number of whole hours in the total duration for this reserved capacity.
DurationMinutes (integer) –
The additional minutes beyond whole hours in the total duration for this reserved capacity.
StartTime (datetime) –
The start time of the reserved capacity.
EndTime (datetime) –
The end time of the reserved capacity.