SecurityHub / Client / batch_update_automation_rules



Updates one or more automation rules based on rule Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) and input parameters.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

response = client.batch_update_automation_rules(
            'RuleArn': 'string',
            'RuleStatus': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED',
            'RuleOrder': 123,
            'Description': 'string',
            'RuleName': 'string',
            'IsTerminal': True|False,
            'Criteria': {
                'ProductArn': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'AwsAccountId': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'Id': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'GeneratorId': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'Type': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'FirstObservedAt': [
                        'Start': 'string',
                        'End': 'string',
                        'DateRange': {
                            'Value': 123,
                            'Unit': 'DAYS'
                'LastObservedAt': [
                        'Start': 'string',
                        'End': 'string',
                        'DateRange': {
                            'Value': 123,
                            'Unit': 'DAYS'
                'CreatedAt': [
                        'Start': 'string',
                        'End': 'string',
                        'DateRange': {
                            'Value': 123,
                            'Unit': 'DAYS'
                'UpdatedAt': [
                        'Start': 'string',
                        'End': 'string',
                        'DateRange': {
                            'Value': 123,
                            'Unit': 'DAYS'
                'Confidence': [
                        'Gte': 123.0,
                        'Lte': 123.0,
                        'Eq': 123.0,
                        'Gt': 123.0,
                        'Lt': 123.0
                'Criticality': [
                        'Gte': 123.0,
                        'Lte': 123.0,
                        'Eq': 123.0,
                        'Gt': 123.0,
                        'Lt': 123.0
                'Title': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'Description': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'SourceUrl': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'ProductName': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'CompanyName': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'SeverityLabel': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'ResourceType': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'ResourceId': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'ResourcePartition': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'ResourceRegion': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'ResourceTags': [
                        'Key': 'string',
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'ResourceDetailsOther': [
                        'Key': 'string',
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'ComplianceStatus': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'ComplianceSecurityControlId': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'ComplianceAssociatedStandardsId': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'VerificationState': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'WorkflowStatus': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'RecordState': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'RelatedFindingsProductArn': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'RelatedFindingsId': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'NoteText': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'NoteUpdatedAt': [
                        'Start': 'string',
                        'End': 'string',
                        'DateRange': {
                            'Value': 123,
                            'Unit': 'DAYS'
                'NoteUpdatedBy': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'UserDefinedFields': [
                        'Key': 'string',
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'ResourceApplicationArn': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'ResourceApplicationName': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
                'AwsAccountName': [
                        'Value': 'string',
                        'Comparison': 'EQUALS'|'PREFIX'|'NOT_EQUALS'|'PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS'|'CONTAINS'|'NOT_CONTAINS'
            'Actions': [
                    'Type': 'FINDING_FIELDS_UPDATE',
                    'FindingFieldsUpdate': {
                        'Note': {
                            'Text': 'string',
                            'UpdatedBy': 'string'
                        'Severity': {
                            'Normalized': 123,
                            'Product': 123.0,
                            'Label': 'INFORMATIONAL'|'LOW'|'MEDIUM'|'HIGH'|'CRITICAL'
                        'VerificationState': 'UNKNOWN'|'TRUE_POSITIVE'|'FALSE_POSITIVE'|'BENIGN_POSITIVE',
                        'Confidence': 123,
                        'Criticality': 123,
                        'Types': [
                        'UserDefinedFields': {
                            'string': 'string'
                        'Workflow': {
                            'Status': 'NEW'|'NOTIFIED'|'RESOLVED'|'SUPPRESSED'
                        'RelatedFindings': [
                                'ProductArn': 'string',
                                'Id': 'string'

UpdateAutomationRulesRequestItems (list) –


An array of ARNs for the rules that are to be updated. Optionally, you can also include RuleStatus and RuleOrder.

  • (dict) –

    Specifies the parameters to update in an existing automation rule.

    • RuleArn (string) – [REQUIRED]

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the rule.

    • RuleStatus (string) –

      Whether the rule is active after it is created. If this parameter is equal to ENABLED, Security Hub starts applying the rule to findings and finding updates after the rule is created. To change the value of this parameter after creating a rule, use BatchUpdateAutomationRules.

    • RuleOrder (integer) –

      An integer ranging from 1 to 1000 that represents the order in which the rule action is applied to findings. Security Hub applies rules with lower values for this parameter first.

    • Description (string) –

      A description of the rule.

    • RuleName (string) –

      The name of the rule.

    • IsTerminal (boolean) –

      Specifies whether a rule is the last to be applied with respect to a finding that matches the rule criteria. This is useful when a finding matches the criteria for multiple rules, and each rule has different actions. If a rule is terminal, Security Hub applies the rule action to a finding that matches the rule criteria and doesn’t evaluate other rules for the finding. By default, a rule isn’t terminal.

    • Criteria (dict) –

      A set of ASFF finding field attributes and corresponding expected values that Security Hub uses to filter findings. If a rule is enabled and a finding matches the conditions specified in this parameter, Security Hub applies the rule action to the finding.

      • ProductArn (list) –

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a third-party product that generated a finding in Security Hub.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • AwsAccountId (list) –

        The Amazon Web Services account ID in which a finding was generated.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 100 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • Id (list) –

        The product-specific identifier for a finding.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • GeneratorId (list) –

        The identifier for the solution-specific component that generated a finding.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 100 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • Type (list) –

        One or more finding types in the format of namespace/category/classifier that classify a finding. For a list of namespaces, classifiers, and categories, see Types taxonomy for ASFF in the Security Hub User Guide.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • FirstObservedAt (list) –

        A timestamp that indicates when the potential security issue captured by a finding was first observed by the security findings product.

        This field accepts only the specified formats. Timestamps can end with Z or ("+" / "-") time-hour [":" time-minute]. The time-secfrac after seconds is limited to a maximum of 9 digits. The offset is bounded by +/-18:00. Here are valid timestamp formats with examples:

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00Z)

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmmZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00.123456789Z)

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10+17:59)

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-HHMM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10-1759)

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmm+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10.123456789+17:59)

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A date filter for querying findings.

          • Start (string) –

            A timestamp that provides the start date for the date filter.

            This field accepts only the specified formats. Timestamps can end with Z or ("+" / "-") time-hour [":" time-minute]. The time-secfrac after seconds is limited to a maximum of 9 digits. The offset is bounded by +/-18:00. Here are valid timestamp formats with examples:

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00Z)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmmZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00.123456789Z)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10+17:59)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-HHMM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10-1759)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmm+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10.123456789+17:59)

          • End (string) –

            A timestamp that provides the end date for the date filter.

            This field accepts only the specified formats. Timestamps can end with Z or ("+" / "-") time-hour [":" time-minute]. The time-secfrac after seconds is limited to a maximum of 9 digits. The offset is bounded by +/-18:00. Here are valid timestamp formats with examples:

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00Z)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmmZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00.123456789Z)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10+17:59)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-HHMM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10-1759)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmm+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10.123456789+17:59)

          • DateRange (dict) –

            A date range for the date filter.

            • Value (integer) –

              A date range value for the date filter.

            • Unit (string) –

              A date range unit for the date filter.

      • LastObservedAt (list) –

        A timestamp that indicates when the potential security issue captured by a finding was most recently observed by the security findings product.

        This field accepts only the specified formats. Timestamps can end with Z or ("+" / "-") time-hour [":" time-minute]. The time-secfrac after seconds is limited to a maximum of 9 digits. The offset is bounded by +/-18:00. Here are valid timestamp formats with examples:

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00Z)

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmmZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00.123456789Z)

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10+17:59)

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-HHMM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10-1759)

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmm+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10.123456789+17:59)

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A date filter for querying findings.

          • Start (string) –

            A timestamp that provides the start date for the date filter.

            This field accepts only the specified formats. Timestamps can end with Z or ("+" / "-") time-hour [":" time-minute]. The time-secfrac after seconds is limited to a maximum of 9 digits. The offset is bounded by +/-18:00. Here are valid timestamp formats with examples:

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00Z)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmmZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00.123456789Z)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10+17:59)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-HHMM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10-1759)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmm+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10.123456789+17:59)

          • End (string) –

            A timestamp that provides the end date for the date filter.

            This field accepts only the specified formats. Timestamps can end with Z or ("+" / "-") time-hour [":" time-minute]. The time-secfrac after seconds is limited to a maximum of 9 digits. The offset is bounded by +/-18:00. Here are valid timestamp formats with examples:

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00Z)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmmZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00.123456789Z)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10+17:59)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-HHMM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10-1759)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmm+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10.123456789+17:59)

          • DateRange (dict) –

            A date range for the date filter.

            • Value (integer) –

              A date range value for the date filter.

            • Unit (string) –

              A date range unit for the date filter.

      • CreatedAt (list) –

        A timestamp that indicates when this finding record was created.

        This field accepts only the specified formats. Timestamps can end with Z or ("+" / "-") time-hour [":" time-minute]. The time-secfrac after seconds is limited to a maximum of 9 digits. The offset is bounded by +/-18:00. Here are valid timestamp formats with examples:

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00Z)

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmmZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00.123456789Z)

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10+17:59)

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-HHMM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10-1759)

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmm+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10.123456789+17:59)

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A date filter for querying findings.

          • Start (string) –

            A timestamp that provides the start date for the date filter.

            This field accepts only the specified formats. Timestamps can end with Z or ("+" / "-") time-hour [":" time-minute]. The time-secfrac after seconds is limited to a maximum of 9 digits. The offset is bounded by +/-18:00. Here are valid timestamp formats with examples:

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00Z)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmmZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00.123456789Z)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10+17:59)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-HHMM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10-1759)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmm+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10.123456789+17:59)

          • End (string) –

            A timestamp that provides the end date for the date filter.

            This field accepts only the specified formats. Timestamps can end with Z or ("+" / "-") time-hour [":" time-minute]. The time-secfrac after seconds is limited to a maximum of 9 digits. The offset is bounded by +/-18:00. Here are valid timestamp formats with examples:

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00Z)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmmZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00.123456789Z)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10+17:59)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-HHMM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10-1759)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmm+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10.123456789+17:59)

          • DateRange (dict) –

            A date range for the date filter.

            • Value (integer) –

              A date range value for the date filter.

            • Unit (string) –

              A date range unit for the date filter.

      • UpdatedAt (list) –

        A timestamp that indicates when the finding record was most recently updated.

        This field accepts only the specified formats. Timestamps can end with Z or ("+" / "-") time-hour [":" time-minute]. The time-secfrac after seconds is limited to a maximum of 9 digits. The offset is bounded by +/-18:00. Here are valid timestamp formats with examples:

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00Z)

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmmZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00.123456789Z)

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10+17:59)

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-HHMM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10-1759)

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmm+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10.123456789+17:59)

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A date filter for querying findings.

          • Start (string) –

            A timestamp that provides the start date for the date filter.

            This field accepts only the specified formats. Timestamps can end with Z or ("+" / "-") time-hour [":" time-minute]. The time-secfrac after seconds is limited to a maximum of 9 digits. The offset is bounded by +/-18:00. Here are valid timestamp formats with examples:

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00Z)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmmZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00.123456789Z)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10+17:59)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-HHMM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10-1759)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmm+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10.123456789+17:59)

          • End (string) –

            A timestamp that provides the end date for the date filter.

            This field accepts only the specified formats. Timestamps can end with Z or ("+" / "-") time-hour [":" time-minute]. The time-secfrac after seconds is limited to a maximum of 9 digits. The offset is bounded by +/-18:00. Here are valid timestamp formats with examples:

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00Z)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmmZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00.123456789Z)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10+17:59)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-HHMM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10-1759)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmm+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10.123456789+17:59)

          • DateRange (dict) –

            A date range for the date filter.

            • Value (integer) –

              A date range value for the date filter.

            • Unit (string) –

              A date range unit for the date filter.

      • Confidence (list) –

        The likelihood that a finding accurately identifies the behavior or issue that it was intended to identify. Confidence is scored on a 0–100 basis using a ratio scale. A value of 0 means 0 percent confidence, and a value of 100 means 100 percent confidence. For example, a data exfiltration detection based on a statistical deviation of network traffic has low confidence because an actual exfiltration hasn’t been verified. For more information, see Confidence in the Security Hub User Guide.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A number filter for querying findings.

          • Gte (float) –

            The greater-than-equal condition to be applied to a single field when querying for findings.

          • Lte (float) –

            The less-than-equal condition to be applied to a single field when querying for findings.

          • Eq (float) –

            The equal-to condition to be applied to a single field when querying for findings.

          • Gt (float) –

            The greater-than condition to be applied to a single field when querying for findings.

          • Lt (float) –

            The less-than condition to be applied to a single field when querying for findings.

      • Criticality (list) –

        The level of importance that is assigned to the resources that are associated with a finding. Criticality is scored on a 0–100 basis, using a ratio scale that supports only full integers. A score of 0 means that the underlying resources have no criticality, and a score of 100 is reserved for the most critical resources. For more information, see Criticality in the Security Hub User Guide.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A number filter for querying findings.

          • Gte (float) –

            The greater-than-equal condition to be applied to a single field when querying for findings.

          • Lte (float) –

            The less-than-equal condition to be applied to a single field when querying for findings.

          • Eq (float) –

            The equal-to condition to be applied to a single field when querying for findings.

          • Gt (float) –

            The greater-than condition to be applied to a single field when querying for findings.

          • Lt (float) –

            The less-than condition to be applied to a single field when querying for findings.

      • Title (list) –

        A finding’s title.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 100 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • Description (list) –

        A finding’s description.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • SourceUrl (list) –

        Provides a URL that links to a page about the current finding in the finding product.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • ProductName (list) –

        Provides the name of the product that generated the finding. For control-based findings, the product name is Security Hub.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • CompanyName (list) –

        The name of the company for the product that generated the finding. For control-based findings, the company is Amazon Web Services.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • SeverityLabel (list) –

        The severity value of the finding.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • ResourceType (list) –

        The type of resource that the finding pertains to.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • ResourceId (list) –

        The identifier for the given resource type. For Amazon Web Services resources that are identified by Amazon Resource Names (ARNs), this is the ARN. For Amazon Web Services resources that lack ARNs, this is the identifier as defined by the Amazon Web Services service that created the resource. For non-Amazon Web Services resources, this is a unique identifier that is associated with the resource.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 100 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • ResourcePartition (list) –

        The partition in which the resource that the finding pertains to is located. A partition is a group of Amazon Web Services Regions. Each Amazon Web Services account is scoped to one partition.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • ResourceRegion (list) –

        The Amazon Web Services Region where the resource that a finding pertains to is located.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • ResourceTags (list) –

        A list of Amazon Web Services tags associated with a resource at the time the finding was processed.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A map filter for filtering Security Hub findings. Each map filter provides the field to check for, the value to check for, and the comparison operator.

          • Key (string) –

            The key of the map filter. For example, for ResourceTags, Key identifies the name of the tag. For UserDefinedFields, Key is the name of the field.

          • Value (string) –

            The value for the key in the map filter. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, one of the values for a tag called Department might be Security. If you provide security as the filter value, then there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to the key value when filtering Security Hub findings with a map filter.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, for the ResourceTags field, the filter Department CONTAINS Security matches findings that include the value Security for the Department tag. In the same example, a finding with a value of Security team for the Department tag is a match.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, for the ResourceTags field, the filter Department EQUALS Security matches findings that have the value Security for the Department tag.

            CONTAINS and EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Department CONTAINS Security OR Department CONTAINS Finance match a finding that includes either Security, Finance, or both values.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, for the ResourceTags field, the filter Department NOT_CONTAINS Finance matches findings that exclude the value Finance for the Department tag.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, for the ResourceTags field, the filter Department NOT_EQUALS Finance matches findings that don’t have the value Finance for the Department tag.

            NOT_CONTAINS and NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Department NOT_CONTAINS Security AND Department NOT_CONTAINS Finance match a finding that excludes both the Security and Finance values.

            CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t have both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error.

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • ResourceDetailsOther (list) –

        Custom fields and values about the resource that a finding pertains to.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A map filter for filtering Security Hub findings. Each map filter provides the field to check for, the value to check for, and the comparison operator.

          • Key (string) –

            The key of the map filter. For example, for ResourceTags, Key identifies the name of the tag. For UserDefinedFields, Key is the name of the field.

          • Value (string) –

            The value for the key in the map filter. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, one of the values for a tag called Department might be Security. If you provide security as the filter value, then there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to the key value when filtering Security Hub findings with a map filter.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, for the ResourceTags field, the filter Department CONTAINS Security matches findings that include the value Security for the Department tag. In the same example, a finding with a value of Security team for the Department tag is a match.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, for the ResourceTags field, the filter Department EQUALS Security matches findings that have the value Security for the Department tag.

            CONTAINS and EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Department CONTAINS Security OR Department CONTAINS Finance match a finding that includes either Security, Finance, or both values.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, for the ResourceTags field, the filter Department NOT_CONTAINS Finance matches findings that exclude the value Finance for the Department tag.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, for the ResourceTags field, the filter Department NOT_EQUALS Finance matches findings that don’t have the value Finance for the Department tag.

            NOT_CONTAINS and NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Department NOT_CONTAINS Security AND Department NOT_CONTAINS Finance match a finding that excludes both the Security and Finance values.

            CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t have both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error.

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • ComplianceStatus (list) –

        The result of a security check. This field is only used for findings generated from controls.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • ComplianceSecurityControlId (list) –

        The security control ID for which a finding was generated. Security control IDs are the same across standards.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • ComplianceAssociatedStandardsId (list) –

        The unique identifier of a standard in which a control is enabled. This field consists of the resource portion of the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) returned for a standard in the DescribeStandards API response.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • VerificationState (list) –

        Provides the veracity of a finding.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • WorkflowStatus (list) –

        Provides information about the status of the investigation into a finding.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • RecordState (list) –

        Provides the current state of a finding.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • RelatedFindingsProductArn (list) –

        The ARN for the product that generated a related finding.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • RelatedFindingsId (list) –

        The product-generated identifier for a related finding.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • NoteText (list) –

        The text of a user-defined note that’s added to a finding.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • NoteUpdatedAt (list) –

        The timestamp of when the note was updated.

        This field accepts only the specified formats. Timestamps can end with Z or ("+" / "-") time-hour [":" time-minute]. The time-secfrac after seconds is limited to a maximum of 9 digits. The offset is bounded by +/-18:00. Here are valid timestamp formats with examples:

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00Z)

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmmZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00.123456789Z)

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10+17:59)

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-HHMM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10-1759)

        • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmm+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10.123456789+17:59)

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A date filter for querying findings.

          • Start (string) –

            A timestamp that provides the start date for the date filter.

            This field accepts only the specified formats. Timestamps can end with Z or ("+" / "-") time-hour [":" time-minute]. The time-secfrac after seconds is limited to a maximum of 9 digits. The offset is bounded by +/-18:00. Here are valid timestamp formats with examples:

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00Z)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmmZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00.123456789Z)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10+17:59)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-HHMM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10-1759)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmm+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10.123456789+17:59)

          • End (string) –

            A timestamp that provides the end date for the date filter.

            This field accepts only the specified formats. Timestamps can end with Z or ("+" / "-") time-hour [":" time-minute]. The time-secfrac after seconds is limited to a maximum of 9 digits. The offset is bounded by +/-18:00. Here are valid timestamp formats with examples:

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00Z)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmmZ (for example, 2019-01-31T23:00:00.123456789Z)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10+17:59)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS-HHMM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10-1759)

            • YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmmmmm+HH:MM (for example, 2024-01-04T15:25:10.123456789+17:59)

          • DateRange (dict) –

            A date range for the date filter.

            • Value (integer) –

              A date range value for the date filter.

            • Unit (string) –

              A date range unit for the date filter.

      • NoteUpdatedBy (list) –

        The principal that created a note.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • UserDefinedFields (list) –

        A list of user-defined name and value string pairs added to a finding.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A map filter for filtering Security Hub findings. Each map filter provides the field to check for, the value to check for, and the comparison operator.

          • Key (string) –

            The key of the map filter. For example, for ResourceTags, Key identifies the name of the tag. For UserDefinedFields, Key is the name of the field.

          • Value (string) –

            The value for the key in the map filter. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, one of the values for a tag called Department might be Security. If you provide security as the filter value, then there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to the key value when filtering Security Hub findings with a map filter.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, for the ResourceTags field, the filter Department CONTAINS Security matches findings that include the value Security for the Department tag. In the same example, a finding with a value of Security team for the Department tag is a match.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, for the ResourceTags field, the filter Department EQUALS Security matches findings that have the value Security for the Department tag.

            CONTAINS and EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Department CONTAINS Security OR Department CONTAINS Finance match a finding that includes either Security, Finance, or both values.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, for the ResourceTags field, the filter Department NOT_CONTAINS Finance matches findings that exclude the value Finance for the Department tag.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, for the ResourceTags field, the filter Department NOT_EQUALS Finance matches findings that don’t have the value Finance for the Department tag.

            NOT_CONTAINS and NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Department NOT_CONTAINS Security AND Department NOT_CONTAINS Finance match a finding that excludes both the Security and Finance values.

            CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t have both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error.

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • ResourceApplicationArn (list) –

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application that is related to a finding.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • ResourceApplicationName (list) –

        The name of the application that is related to a finding.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

      • AwsAccountName (list) –

        The name of the Amazon Web Services account in which a finding was generated.

        Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 20 items.

        • (dict) –

          A string filter for filtering Security Hub findings.

          • Value (string) –

            The string filter value. Filter values are case sensitive. For example, the product name for control-based findings is Security Hub. If you provide security hub as the filter value, there’s no match.

          • Comparison (string) –

            The condition to apply to a string value when filtering Security Hub findings.

            To search for values that have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that include the filter value, use CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that includes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values that exactly match the filter value, use EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID of 123456789012.

            • To search for values that start with the filter value, use PREFIX. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX us matches findings that have a ResourceRegion that starts with us. A ResourceRegion that starts with a different value, such as af, ap, or ca, doesn’t match.

            CONTAINS, EQUALS, and PREFIX filters on the same field are joined by OR. A finding matches if it matches any one of those filters. For example, the filters Title CONTAINS CloudFront OR Title CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that includes either CloudFront, CloudWatch, or both strings in the title.

            To search for values that don’t have the filter value, use one of the following comparison operators:

            • To search for values that exclude the filter value, use NOT_CONTAINS. For example, the filter Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront matches findings that have a Title that excludes the string CloudFront.

            • To search for values other than the filter value, use NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter AwsAccountId NOT_EQUALS 123456789012 only matches findings that have an account ID other than 123456789012.

            • To search for values that don’t start with the filter value, use PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS. For example, the filter ResourceRegion PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS us matches findings with a ResourceRegion that starts with a value other than us.

            NOT_CONTAINS, NOT_EQUALS, and PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters on the same field are joined by AND. A finding matches only if it matches all of those filters. For example, the filters Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudFront AND Title NOT_CONTAINS CloudWatch match a finding that excludes both CloudFront and CloudWatch in the title.

            You can’t have both a CONTAINS filter and a NOT_CONTAINS filter on the same field. Similarly, you can’t provide both an EQUALS filter and a NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filter on the same field. Combining filters in this way returns an error. CONTAINS filters can only be used with other CONTAINS filters. NOT_CONTAINS filters can only be used with other NOT_CONTAINS filters.

            You can combine PREFIX filters with NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters for the same field. Security Hub first processes the PREFIX filters, and then the NOT_EQUALS or PREFIX_NOT_EQUALS filters.

            For example, for the following filters, Security Hub first identifies findings that have resource types that start with either AwsIam or AwsEc2. It then excludes findings that have a resource type of AwsIamPolicy and findings that have a resource type of AwsEc2NetworkInterface.

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsIam

            • ResourceType PREFIX AwsEc2

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsIamPolicy

            • ResourceType NOT_EQUALS AwsEc2NetworkInterface

            CONTAINS and NOT_CONTAINS operators can be used only with automation rules. For more information, see Automation rules in the Security Hub User Guide.

    • Actions (list) –

      One or more actions to update finding fields if a finding matches the conditions specified in Criteria.

      • (dict) –

        One or more actions that Security Hub takes when a finding matches the defined criteria of a rule.

        • Type (string) –

          Specifies the type of action that Security Hub takes when a finding matches the defined criteria of a rule.

        • FindingFieldsUpdate (dict) –

          Specifies that the automation rule action is an update to a finding field.

          • Note (dict) –

            The updated note.

            • Text (string) – [REQUIRED]

              The updated note text.

            • UpdatedBy (string) – [REQUIRED]

              The principal that updated the note.

          • Severity (dict) –

            Updates to the severity information for a finding.

            • Normalized (integer) –

              The normalized severity for the finding. This attribute is to be deprecated in favor of Label.

              If you provide Normalized and don’t provide Label, Label is set automatically as follows.

              • 0 - INFORMATIONAL

              • 1–39 - LOW

              • 40–69 - MEDIUM

              • 70–89 - HIGH

              • 90–100 - CRITICAL

            • Product (float) –

              The native severity as defined by the Amazon Web Services service or integrated partner product that generated the finding.

            • Label (string) –

              The severity value of the finding. The allowed values are the following.

              • INFORMATIONAL - No issue was found.

              • LOW - The issue does not require action on its own.

              • MEDIUM - The issue must be addressed but not urgently.

              • HIGH - The issue must be addressed as a priority.

              • CRITICAL - The issue must be remediated immediately to avoid it escalating.

          • VerificationState (string) –

            The rule action updates the VerificationState field of a finding.

          • Confidence (integer) –

            The rule action updates the Confidence field of a finding.

          • Criticality (integer) –

            The rule action updates the Criticality field of a finding.

          • Types (list) –

            The rule action updates the Types field of a finding.

            • (string) –

          • UserDefinedFields (dict) –

            The rule action updates the UserDefinedFields field of a finding.

            • (string) –

              • (string) –

          • Workflow (dict) –

            Used to update information about the investigation into the finding.

            • Status (string) –

              The status of the investigation into the finding. The workflow status is specific to an individual finding. It does not affect the generation of new findings. For example, setting the workflow status to SUPPRESSED or RESOLVED does not prevent a new finding for the same issue.

              The allowed values are the following.

              • NEW - The initial state of a finding, before it is reviewed. Security Hub also resets WorkFlowStatus from NOTIFIED or RESOLVED to NEW in the following cases:

                • The record state changes from ARCHIVED to ACTIVE.

                • The compliance status changes from PASSED to either WARNING, FAILED, or NOT_AVAILABLE.

              • NOTIFIED - Indicates that you notified the resource owner about the security issue. Used when the initial reviewer is not the resource owner, and needs intervention from the resource owner.

              • RESOLVED - The finding was reviewed and remediated and is now considered resolved.

              • SUPPRESSED - Indicates that you reviewed the finding and don’t believe that any action is needed. The finding is no longer updated.

          • RelatedFindings (list) –

            The rule action updates the RelatedFindings field of a finding.

            • (dict) –

              Details about a related finding.

              • ProductArn (string) – [REQUIRED]

                The ARN of the product that generated a related finding.

              • Id (string) – [REQUIRED]

                The product-generated identifier for a related finding.

Return type:



Response Syntax

    'ProcessedAutomationRules': [
    'UnprocessedAutomationRules': [
            'RuleArn': 'string',
            'ErrorCode': 123,
            'ErrorMessage': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) –

    • ProcessedAutomationRules (list) –

      A list of properly processed rule ARNs.

      • (string) –

    • UnprocessedAutomationRules (list) –

      A list of objects containing RuleArn, ErrorCode, and ErrorMessage. This parameter tells you which automation rules the request didn’t update and why.

      • (dict) –

        A list of objects containing RuleArn, ErrorCode, and ErrorMessage. This parameter tells you which automation rules the request didn’t process and why.

        • RuleArn (string) –

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the unprocessed automation rule.

        • ErrorCode (integer) –

          The error code associated with the unprocessed automation rule.

        • ErrorMessage (string) –

          An error message describing why a request didn’t process a specific rule.
