ResilienceHub / Client / list_test_recommendations
- ResilienceHub.Client.list_test_recommendations(**kwargs)#
Lists the test recommendations for the Resilience Hub application.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
response = client.list_test_recommendations( assessmentArn='string', maxResults=123, nextToken='string' )
- Parameters:
assessmentArn (string) –
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the assessment. The format for this ARN is: arn:
. For more information about ARNs, see Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) in the Amazon Web Services General Reference guide.maxResults (integer) – Maximum number of results to include in the response. If more results exist than the specified
value, a token is included in the response so that the remaining results can be retrieved.nextToken (string) – Null, or the token from a previous call to get the next set of results.
- Return type:
- Returns:
Response Syntax
{ 'nextToken': 'string', 'testRecommendations': [ { 'appComponentId': 'string', 'appComponentName': 'string', 'dependsOnAlarms': [ 'string', ], 'description': 'string', 'intent': 'string', 'items': [ { 'alreadyImplemented': True|False, 'discoveredAlarm': { 'alarmArn': 'string', 'source': 'string' }, 'excludeReason': 'AlreadyImplemented'|'NotRelevant'|'ComplexityOfImplementation', 'excluded': True|False, 'latestDiscoveredExperiment': { 'experimentArn': 'string', 'experimentTemplateId': 'string' }, 'resourceId': 'string', 'targetAccountId': 'string', 'targetRegion': 'string' }, ], 'name': 'string', 'prerequisite': 'string', 'recommendationId': 'string', 'recommendationStatus': 'Implemented'|'Inactive'|'NotImplemented'|'Excluded', 'referenceId': 'string', 'risk': 'Small'|'Medium'|'High', 'type': 'Software'|'Hardware'|'AZ'|'Region' }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) –
nextToken (string) –
Token for the next set of results, or null if there are no more results.
testRecommendations (list) –
The test recommendations for the Resilience Hub application.
(dict) –
Defines a test recommendation.
appComponentId (string) –
Indicates the identifier of the AppComponent.
appComponentName (string) –
Name of the Application Component.
dependsOnAlarms (list) –
A list of recommended alarms that are used in the test and must be exported before or with the test.
(string) –
description (string) –
Description for the test recommendation.
intent (string) –
Intent of the test recommendation.
items (list) –
The test recommendation items.
(dict) –
Defines a recommendation.
alreadyImplemented (boolean) –
Specifies if the recommendation has already been implemented.
discoveredAlarm (dict) –
Indicates the previously implemented Amazon CloudWatch alarm discovered by Resilience Hub.
alarmArn (string) –
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon CloudWatch alarm.
source (string) –
Indicates the source of the Amazon CloudWatch alarm. That is, it indicates if the alarm was created using Resilience Hub recommendation (
), or if you had created the alarm in Amazon CloudWatch (Customer
excludeReason (string) –
Indicates the reason for excluding an operational recommendation.
excluded (boolean) –
Indicates if an operational recommendation item is excluded.
latestDiscoveredExperiment (dict) –
Indicates the experiment created in FIS that was discovered by Resilience Hub, which matches the recommendation.
experimentArn (string) –
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the FIS experiment.
experimentTemplateId (string) –
Identifier of the FIS experiment template.
resourceId (string) –
Identifier of the resource.
targetAccountId (string) –
Identifier of the target account.
targetRegion (string) –
The target region.
name (string) –
Name of the test recommendation.
prerequisite (string) –
Prerequisite of the test recommendation.
recommendationId (string) –
Identifier for the test recommendation.
recommendationStatus (string) –
Status of the recommended test.
referenceId (string) –
Reference identifier for the test recommendation.
risk (string) –
Level of risk for this test recommendation.
type (string) –
Type of test recommendation.